Press Release Summary:, created by Michael Allton with Stadia Studio, provides visitors with links to Immigration News items, the official INS website, as well links to legal resources.
Press Release Body: Farmington, MO. April 4, 2008 -- Mid States Labor Solutions has launched a new website to help educate both employers and employees on the H-2B Visa process, and how Mid States Labor Solutions can help pair employers with the labor that they need.
Their new website at provides laborers from places like Mexico and South America with the information they require to get started on the process of renewing their H-2B Visa and continue their employment in the U.S.A.
The website also offers businesses from the Gulf of Mexico to the Midwest a way to find the labor they must have to complete their projects in a timely and affordable way that meets all INS guidelines., created by Michael Allton with Stadia Studio (, provides visitors with links to Immigration News items, the official INS website, as well links to legal resources.
About Mid States Labor
Mid States Labor Solutions has been serving employers since 2002 in the areas of Shrimp Boats, Construction, Welding, Pipe Fitting, Steam Fitting, Landscaping and Hospitality. For more information, please contact the owner, Capt. John Steel, at 573.264.2991.
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Contact Details: John Steel 503 Water Street Commerce, MO 63742 573.264.2991n ph 886.462.7547 fax